Dr. Lance Gharavi – 2018 Ally of the Year
The Bridge Initiative: Women in Theatre is thrilled to announce this year’s honoree for Ally of the Year, Dr. Lance Gharavi.

The year we launched, in 2015, before people had even heard of the organization, Lance was looking at play selection at ASU for their 2016-17 season. He heard our charge to the theatre community, and not only did he take up that charge, but he said, “I’ll see your charge of 50%, and raise it to 100%.” So that next year, ASU presented not half female playwrights, but 100% of their main stage season consisted of works written by women.
And he didn’t stop there. Lance hired Bridge Artistic Director Tracy Miller last season to direct “Men on Boats” by Jaclyn Bachaus, and he has consistently worked to ensure that women are represented onstage and off at ASU.
Congratulations to Dr. Lance Gharavi for his outstanding contributions to our theatre community.