Saturday, September 14th @ 7:30pm Tempe Center for the Arts
$25 VIP seats; $18 general admission; $12 student/senior **box office fees per ticket: $1 in person / by phone @ 480-350-2TCA (2822) ; $3 online**
The Bridge Initiative: Women+ in Theatre brings you this original revue celebrating all that it means to be female and GRSM in 2019 through song, dance, and spoken word, featuring top creative talent from the Valley (and beyond). Come roar with us!
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Southwest Indigenous Women’s Coalition. We are also making a donation to Arizona Jews for Justice, and will be collecting Love Bag donations for asylum seekers (more information at bottom of this page).
The Southwest Indigenous Women’s Coalition (SWIWC) is a statewide tribal domestic violence (DV) and sexual assault (SA) coalition serving the Tribes in Arizona. Primarily through training and technical assistance, SWIWC works to increase the capacity of tribal communities to better address and respond to the domestic and sexual violence occurring in their communities. SWIWC also works at a systemic level to increase the safety, justice and healing of any person that has been a victim of domestic and/or sexual violence.
Arizona Jews For Justice is a pluralistic Jewish group that provides a forum for Jews in Arizona to collaborate and foster social justice within our state. Our hope is to connect community members and empower them to create positive change within our community. We strive to create positive change together!
WRITERS: Cynthia Arsenault; Lizbett Benge; Diana Burbano; Rachael Carnes; Rachelle Dart; Nikki Gates & Laurelann Porter; Nicole Heneveld; Athena Hueber; M.J. Kang; Elaine Kendell, E.E. Moe, & Dennis Poor; Taylor Moschetti; Leigh Moyer; Ashley Naftule; Nan-Lynn Nelson; Evelyn Jean Pine; Gretchen Wirges
Athena Hueber Cynthia Arsenault Diana Burbano Lizbett Benge MJ Kang Nan-Lynn Nelson Nicole Heneveld Rachael Carnes Rachelle Dart Leigh Moyer Ashley Naftule Taylor Moschetti Evelyn Jean Pine Elaine E.E. Moe Gretchen Wirges Laurelann Porter
DIRECTORS: Lizbett Benge, Daniela Crispo, Marina Blue Jarrette, Maybe Stewart
CHOREOGRAPHERS: Samantha Moore, Nicole Barrett
Daniela Crispo Lizbett Benge Marina Blue Jarrette Maybe Stewart Samantha Moore Nicole Barrett
PSM: Marissa Beckett Lighting Designer: Josh Brickhouse
CAST: Maria Amorocho*, Yessi Bastarrachea, Breona Conrad, Rachelle Dart, Emily Deskin, Nikki Gates, Reign Hopkins, Dienae Hunter, Toni Jourdan, Christina Kiepper, Debra Lyman, Chelsea McCasland, Elaine E.E. Moe*, Taylor Moschetti, Tira Poole, Laurelann Porter, Emma Talarico, Rebekah Renée, Matt Venrick, Gretchen Wirges, Shari Watts
*We wish to express our gratitude to the Actors’ Equity Association through Theatre Authority, Inc. for their cooperation in permitting these artists to appear on this program
Maria Amorocho Yessi Bastarrachea Rachelle Dart Reign Hopkins Dienae Hunter Elaine E.E. Moe Taylor Moschetti Emma Talarico Matt Venrick Gretchen Wirges Breona Conrad Shari Watts Christina Kiepper Toni Jourdan Rebekah Varghese Chelsea McCasland Tira Poole Laurelann Porter
If I have to, I can do anything
-“I Am Woman” Helen Reddy
I am strong
I am invincible
I am woman

If you want to make Love Bags to help asylum seekers, we guarantee that we’ll get these into the hands of the families within days. Following you’ll find some ideas that you can use:
Using travel sizes or hotel sizes
Travel toothbrush
Hand sanitizer
Wash cloth
all nonperishable
Granola bar
Welches gummies
Bag of peanuts
Package of cookies
Package of crackers/chips
Small coloring book
Action figure
Small rubber ball
All of the above items are just ideas and they can be customized any way you’d like. Everything must fit in an already packed backpack, so keeping things to a ziplock (any size) is necessary. If you’d like to participate, simply make as many goodie bags as you can and bring them with you to the event. We will collect them all and make sure they are received by the those who need them most.
Also, you may want to put an encouraging note in the bags, in Spanish, for these weary travelers (google translate will help). They’ll love that. ❤️
We are thankful for support from our generous donors, partners and funders, without whom our creative work would be impossible: