(pronounced “sigh”) – Scratching our Artistic Itches
As we work to physically distance and socially connect, artists are losing gigs as well as the opportunity to practice our craft. The Bridge Initiative has had to postpone our new play festival, Bechdel 3.0. But the City of Tempe, whose grant funding is critical to our festival, has encouraged to redirect the funds… So now, we are hosting 11 weeks of online play readings for which we are paying actors and playwrights, and we invite you to attend – FOR FREE! Click here or on titles below for more info about the plays, cast pictures, etc.
Every Sunday @ 1pm
for ZOOM login information
April 5 – The Midwesterners by Michelle Elliot
Featuring: Michael Bailey, Elizabeth Brownlee Blair, Nathalie Cadieux, Laura Durant, Jesse James Kamps, Sasha Wordlaw with John Perovich
April 12 – Sapience by Diana Burbano
Featuring: Robyn Foley, Megan Holcomb, Alejandra Luna, Estrella Paloma Parra, and Eric Schoen with Avery Jones.
April 19 – Fairview* by Jackie Sibblies Drury
Featuring: Lucy Atkins, T.A. Burrows, Larissa Brewington, Maria Harris, Ryan L. Jenkins, Quinn Mattfeld, Tracy Liz Miller, and Tony Moschetti, with Carol Gibson
April 26 – Hungarian Rhapsody by Susan Cinoman
Featuring: Ryan K. Bailer, Brenda Jean Foley, Maren Maclean Mascarelli, Chris Mascarelli, with Monica Sampson
May 3 – Leaving Watermaine by Nan-Lynn Nelson
Featuring: Thommi, A’mal, Chanel Bragg, Dayna Donovan, DeAngelus Grisby, Rapheal Hamilton, Justin Hosten, Charles St. Clair, Dineta Williams Trigg, with Kim Huenecke
May 10 – The Cost of Living* by Martyna Majok
Featuring: Yessi Bastarrachea, Anita Hollander, John Plumpis, Benjamin Shrader, with Susan Xu
May 17 – Yoga Play by Dipika Guha**
Featuring: Hira Ismail, Alan Khoutakoun, Sebastian Kunnappilly, Shannon Kennedy Leonard, Craig McEldowney, Taylor Moschetti, Omar Mustafa, Avery Volk, with Tippi Hart
May 24 – DOUBLE HEADER: @1pm: All the Wrong Places and @7pm Just Be both by Maybe Stewart
**NOTE: These plays include mature language and themes, as well as mentions of suicide and sexual assault.**
Featuring: Donnie Cianciotto, Rachelle Dart, Gustavo Flores, Mona Lesueur, Kevin Kantor, Shonda Royall, Matt Venrick, with Gretchen Wirges
May 31 – The Flora & the Fauna by Alyson Mead
PLEASE BE ADVISED: This play contains description of sexual assault.
Featuring: Natalie Andrews, Christi Sweeney, with Elizabeth Broeder
June 14 – The Heidi Chronicles* by Wendy Wasserstein
Featuring: Amie Bjorklund, Alison Campbell, Ian Christiansen, David Dickinson, Fred Gerle, Marina Blue Jarrette, Chelsea McCasland, E.E. Moe, Betsy Mugavaro
Directed by Daniela Crispo
June 28 – Water by the Spoonful* by Quiara Alegría Hudes
Featuring: Bethany Baca, Liza Davis, Ann Hu, Hira Ismail, Diego Sutcliffe, Connor Wanless, Sonia Rodriguez Wood, with Victor Yang
*FAIRVIEW, THE COST OF LIVING, WATER BY THE SPOONFUL, and THE HEIDI CHRONICLES are presented by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Services, Inc., NYC.
**YOGA PLAY is presented by special arrangement with Concord Theatricals.
NOTE: Casting/titles subject to change
THANK YOU to the City of Tempe for a matching grant making this programming possible. If you would like to donate, click here.