2019 Events

Her Voice – February 2019

Her Voice 2018-19 continues with a FREE professional reading of


by Jen Silverman


Sunday, February 17th at 4PM at ASU Kerr


DIRECTOR: Micky Small

CAST: Shannyn Hall, Alejandra Luna, Laurelann Porter, Bonnie Beus Romney, Licia Torres

Musicians: The Rhythm and the Flavor


SYNOPSIS:  Betty is rich; Betty is lonely; Betty’s busy working on her truck; Betty wants to talk about love, but Betty needs to hit something. And Betty keeps using a small hand mirror to stare into parts of herself she’s never examined. Five different women named Betty collide at the intersection of anger, sex, and the “Thea-Tah.”

Talkback will follow reading.

PLEASE RSVP: We will be offering concessions this season and a head count really helps us with our preparation. 

Click here to visit the Facebook Event Page.

The Bridge Initiative:  Women in Theatre is thrilled to host Her Voice, a monthly play reading and music series running September 2018 to April 2019, as a co-presentation with the ASU Kerr in Scottsdale. Capitalizing on ASU Kerr’s professional sound, lighting and technical talent, we feature new works presented by local professional musicians, directors and actors.


Shannyn Hall

Alejandra Luna

Laurelann Porter

Bonnie Beus Romney

Licia Torres